Mar 21, 2014

Sketchup Layout Work Flow

Using Sketchup and Layout to developed 3d images and 2d views for a client that needed presentation images for a meeting. Task was very simple with Sketchup and Layout, the first step was to convert a roof plan from pdf to cad and then I inserted this cad drawing to my Sketchup model. All dimensions and text were done in Sketchup Layout. The scope is to replace existing roof top units like the one that is shown in the first image below with new one's. Two alternatives were draft one with a roof curb and one with a steel base. 

Dec 3, 2013

Sketchup 3d

Just sharing what we are up to and demonstrating the combination of sketchup and sketchup layout. There work flow is simple and very easy to learn.
Compartiendo lo que estamos trabajando y demostrando la combinación de sketchup y sketchup layout. Combinan muy bien y fácil de aprender.

Nov 25, 2013

Sketchup Layout Work Flow

Here is another example of using Sketchup and Layout for construction drawings, in this post I demonstrate how they work together. From a simple Sketchup 3d model and scenes exported to layout you can obtain great results.

Sketchup 3d model

Sketchup Layout Construction Drawing

Some people might think that Sketchup and Sketchup Layout are software's for architectural visualization only and still haven't explore it in other disciplines. In my case I've done a bit of everything with it and gotten fantastic results. Some might say that they don't have the utilities to develop construction drawings but I have experience the opposite.



Nov 7, 2013

Sketchup Layout Scrapbooks

Using sketchup and layout together for construction drawings in layout is a great option. Not only you can create stunning presentations by adding text, images, etc. but if you have your scrapbooks tailored to your needs is fast and accurate when it comes to construction drawings. We all aim to make awesome construction drawings for less input hours, this is why we should customize our scrapbooks to get better results, I invite you to try and make your sketchup layout work flow faster by customizing scrapbooks.


Usando sketchup y layout juntos para planos de construcción en layout es una gran opción. No sólo puedes crear impresionantes presentaciones añadiendo texto, imágenes, etc, pero si tienes tus "scrapbooks" adaptados a tus necesidades es rápido y preciso. Todos aspiramos a hacer dibujos de  construcción impresionantes en menos tiempo, es por eso que debemos adaptar nuestros "scrapbooks" para obtener mejores resultados, los invito a personalizar sus "scrapbooks" y hacer su trabajo de diseño en sketchup más rápido.

Oct 17, 2013

Sketchup Work

I recently published a album of kitchens drawn in sketchup and layout in my facebook personal page, I invite every one that visits my blog to take a look at it. Is an initiative that I'm working on with images that I collect from the web and I try my best to develope a 3d in sketchup, renderings and layout presentations in some models. This images are part of this initiative, I hope you stop by.
Recientemente publique un álbum de concinas dibujado en sketchup y layout para mi pagina personal de facebook, invito a todos los que visiten mi blog a que lo vean. Es una iniciativa que trata de imágenes que recopilo en el internet y desarrollo 3d en sketchup, perspectivas y en algunos modelos una presentación en layout. Estas imágenes son parte de esta iniciative, espero que le de una mirada.